

Gainful utilization of all investment potential for the growth of budding entrepreneurs and the rejuvenation of needy enterprises


The mission is to realize the vision of Pedison through sustainable economic growth, assisting all entrepreneurs to find their own niches in the commercial success echelons of the modern global market. Customer-friendly lending and allied financial services, focusing on those that need revival, renovation and development will be the operational method.


Financing for future is the sum total of the objectives of Pedison

Core Values

The golden guideline for Pedison consists of transparency and integrity in all deals and interactions.


Pedison’s culture is based on the purpose of financing budding and growing ventures to reach heights of success. People are the primary concern of the Institution followed by the environment, the community and the country. Profit comes only after fulfilling all social responsibilities. Confidence, teamwork, risk tolerance, innovation and customer satisfaction are the winning formula of Pedison.