

Greenfield / Agricultural Land
Greenfield land denotes undeveloped areas such as farms or pastures. This category also encompasses various types of agricultural land, including orchards, animal farms, ranches, and more.
Infill Land
Infill land is situated within already developed urban areas that are currently vacant. This term is specifically linked with real estate development in urban locations.
Brownfield Land
Brownfields are tracts of land formerly utilized for industrial or commercial activities but are now available for re-development. These properties typically exhibit environmental concerns or are at least suspected of having such issues due to their prior commercial use.

Commercial Real Estate Finance


Multifamily properties bridge the gap between residential and commercial real estate, offering versatility for both living and investment purposes.


Office buildings, like multifamily properties, are categorized into low, mid, and high rise based on their size.


The size of industrial properties can vary significantly, depending on their intended purposes.


Strip / Shopping CenterStrip centers are compact retail properties that may feature anchor tenants or operate independently.

Hotels/ Hospitality

Typically situated in central business districts or popular tourist destinations, full-service hotels are affiliated with renowned brands

Mixed Use

Mixed use properties, while their own distinction, can actual be a combination of any of the aforementioned types of commercial property.


Greenfield / Agricultural LandGreenfield land denotes undeveloped areas such as farms or pastures.


The aforementioned categories encompass the primary types of commercial real estate.